Aizawl hosts e-waste management summit 2024 to tackle growing challenges

Hulladek Recycling Pvt Ltd, in collaboration with the Mizoram Pollution Control Board (MPCB), successfully hosted the E-Waste Management Summit 2024. The event, held in Aizawl, aimed to address pressing issues and strategies concerning e-waste management in North Eastern India. The summit welcomed prominent figures such as Pu Joseph H. Lalramsanga, Commissioner of AMC, and Pu Liankima Lailung, Chairman of MPCB, highlighting the significance of collaborative efforts in combating e-waste challenges. “This summit marks a significant step towards effective e-waste management in the North Eastern states,” said Pu Lailung.

Mizoram PCB Chairman said “Hulladek Recycling is the first company to put their heart and soul into solving North East’s waste problems. If we do not support them we might not get any opportunity to save our state’s environment for the future.” Key agenda items included discussions on the current state of e-waste management, implementation of new e-waste rules, and Hulladek’s initiatives in the region. Mr. Nandan Mall, Founder and Managing Director of Hulladek, emphasized the company’s commitment to environmentally sound management and announced the installation of e-waste collection bins across Mizoram.

The summit gathered government officials, corporate leaders, and environmental activists, fostering a collaborative approach toward a sustainable future. Hulladek also announced plans to expand into other waste categories, aiming to enhance its role as a premier e-waste solution provider in the region.