AqarChain and India’s ForestMan celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day started in 1970, and after 51 years Earth Day is getting a salute from the Metaverse with AqarChain’s AqarLand and India’s ‘Forest Man’.

AqarLand, a Virtual Land Metaverse with an NFT Marketplace, part of AqarChain the pioneer in Fractionalizing NFT of real world real estate assets, is working to bridge the physical environment with the metaverse in an effort to help reforestation and restoration of lands by planting trees in a Digital Forest. For Earth Day, AqarChain is partnering with Jadav Payeng, better known as the forest man of India, who spent his entire life single handedly erecting a forest, the Molai Forest in India. By bridging AqarLand Metaverse with Jadav’s efforts in Molai Forest, Aqarchain hopes to use its commitment to technology and the environment to help make the world a better place to live, whether one visits it virtually or physically.

NFT holders will be able to stake the NFT token for returns in AQR token on the AqarChain staking platform. AqarChain has jumped started the project by purchasing 100 digital trees in the Digital Forest, from the total supply and donating the proceeds to Sacred Jambudweep Foundation.

The trees that will be planted will be Bamboo trees in the same area where the forest man has been planting trees for the past almost 40 years now. What users get is the chance to own a tree in the digital world and its equivalent that is planted in the real world with a chance to earn revenue when the tree comes of age and is in state of revenue.

By editor

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