Glycerin: The undervalued and Inexpensive skincare

Skincare is easier said than done. To see results, one needs to be consistent with their efforts and also be extremely patient. However, getting good skin is not synonymous with using expensive skincare or cosmetic products. One of the “undervalued” skincare ingredients is glycerine, according to dermatologist Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta.

She recently took to Instagram to share more details about the ingredient and how it provides the right conditioning for your skin.

“It can be plant-derived, fermented from sugars, or made synthetically. It’s a clear, almost odourless ingredient that is present in serums, moisturisers, and even cleansers,” she wrote.

Take a look at her social media post below:

What are the benefits?

*A humectant in nature, it attracts and retains water in the skin.

*It has a low molecular value, which means it penetrates deep into the skin.

*With conditioning properties, it can prevent skin irritation, said Dr Geetika.

While she mentioned that the ingredient is a “cheaper version of hyaluronic acid”, it is the “quantity used” that suits one’s skin. “I would suggest somewhere between 3 per cent to 20 per cent,” she said.

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