31 out of 54 Omicron patients discharged in Maharashtra

31 patients out of 54 who were infected with the new coronavirus variant Omicron in Maharashtra till now  have been discharged from hospitals  on Monday.

No new cases of Omicron by the WHO, was reported in the state on Monday, keeping the newly discovered strain’s tally constant at 54, he said. Of these, the highest 22 cases were from Mumbai.

According to the health department, 31 of the 54 patients infected with Omicron so far have been discharged from hospitals after they returned negative RT-PCR test reports.

Since 1st December, as many as 1,36,400 travellers have arrived from overseas, including 20,105 from countries at risk, at airports in the state, it said. Of these, 23,015 travellers have gone through RT-PCR tests and samples of 115 COVID-19 positive passengers, including 86 from ‘at-risk’ countries, have been sent for genome sequencing to ascertain if they are infected with Omicron, the department added.

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