7UP® Launches its latest campaign in its ‘Think Fresh’ series

7UP®, has launched as part of 7UP®’s ‘Think Fresh’ series, is to address everyday curveballs/googlies through a fun and playful attitude. The quirky brand campaign features the much-loved, curly-haired 7UP® mascot Fido Dido who looks at turning life’s googlies into opportunities and encouraging today’s youth to not be frustrated with daily problems.

The campaign opens with a man who’s sitting in the ladies’ section of a bus and pretends to fall asleep as soon as he sees a young girl enter the full bus takes a swift swig of 7UP® and comes up with a fresh solution. In a ‘Think Fresh’ move, Fido is then seen near the man’s window where he drops a toy snake into the man’s lap. Feeling something on his lap, the man is startled, jumps out of the seat, and as a result vacating it, much to the young girl’s surprise and advantage.

Speaking about the new campaign, Naseeb Puri, Senior Marketing Director, Flavors, PepsiCo India, said: “I am confident that our new bold, tongue-in-cheek campaign will resonate strongly with our consumers.” The 7UP® campaign will be amplified across TV, digital, outdoor, and social media with a 360-degree campaign. 7UP® is available in single/multi-serve packs across traditional and modern retail outlets as well as on select e-commerce platforms.

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