A new study has found that bats avoid wind turbines

Bats that forage around forests avoid wind turbines with increasing wind speed when they are in operation, a new study has found. Acoustic activity of bats who forage in narrow spaces decreased by 77% with increasing speed of operational wind turbines. When the turbines were turned off, bat activity remained unaffected by wind speed. Actually wind turbines are very important source for generating electricity as it is very efficient in work.

Today human are developing very fast and creating new technologies. But with this development we forget to adjust with the nature and due to this many problem occurs. Actually according to the scientists, one of the causes of this avoidance behavior is the noise emitted by wind turbine rotors and we should study even more so that we can solve all problem. In reality with creating new technology taking care of nature is also important so that everyone live happily. Wind turbines are actually a very good invention and it help us in many ways but we should also think about nature in details so that we make the world better.