Al-Qaeda issued a warning letter of suicide bombings over ‘insult to Prophet’

Central intelligence corporations are on alert after the Al-Qaeda in Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) issued a letter warning of suicide bombings in Indian cities and states to avenge the insult to the Prophet. In a hazard letter dated June 6, the AQIS said it would launch suicide assaults in Delhi, Mumbai, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat to “fight for the honour of the Prophet”. All the states have been knowledgeable by using the talent groups about the chance and they have been requested to be on high alert.

“A few days ago, the propagators and flag bearers of Hindutva – a device and philosophy antagonistic to the religion and Shariah of Allah – insulted and slandered the purest of beings, the most honourable after God himself, Muhammad al Mustafa, Ahmad al Mujtaba, and his noble and pure wife, the mother of the believers, Sayyidah Ayesha bint Abu Bakr as Siddeeq in the most vile and evil manner on an Indian TV channel. In response to this affront, the hearts of Muslim all over the world are bleeding and are crammed with emotions of revenge and retribution,” the letter says.

It adds, “We warn each and every audacious and impudent foul mouth of the world, specially the Hindutva terrorists occupying Indian that we need to fight for the dignity of our Prophet, we urge others to combat and die for the honour of our Prophet, we must kill those who affront our Prophet and we have to bind explosives with our our bodies and the our bodies of our young people to blow away the ranks of these who dare to dishonour our Prophet.”

“The saffron terrorists ought to now look forward to their give up in Delhi, Bombay, UP and Gujarat. They should locate refuge neither in their residences nor in their fortified military cantonments,” the letter states. After receiving the chance letter, the central companies first proven it and then requested all country police forces worried to be on high alert.

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