Almond consumption increases resistance to UVB exposure

Healthy dietary choices make important contributions to skin health. A promising new study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and funded by the Almond Board of California provides the first clinical evidence that consuming almonds may help support the skin’s resistance to UVB light.

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) investigated whether daily almond intake could increase resistance to UVB light (the main source of skin damage from sun exposure) and improve skin texture.  The participants in the study were young women. Data from 29 participants was analyzed at the completion of the study.

Principal investigator, Dr. Zhaoping Li, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Division of Clinical Nutrition, University of California, Los Angeles said, “This particular study showed that a daily snack of almonds (1.5 ounces, 42 grams) over 12 weeks improved MED – a measure of UVB resistance – in young Asian women by about 20%. The results suggest that including almonds in the diet may help support the skin’s internal defenses against UVB light.”

Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta (Medical Director and Cosmetologist), Ritika Samaddar (Regional Head-Dietetics, Max Healthcare – Delhi), and Sheela Krishnaswamy (Nutrition and Wellness Consultant) welcomed the result of the study.

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