Almonds are good for Heart health

World Heart Day is celebrated on 29 September, every year, to raise awareness around cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and how they can be prevented. World Heart Day is a reminder for people across the world to stop and assess lifestyle choices for them and their family. With CVDs becoming a serious health concern amongst many Indians, dietary and lifestyle modifications can play an important role in reducing risk factors for better heart health. Adding a handful of nuts like almonds in daily diet is a good starting point, make for a healthy snacking option and can also help add to heart health.

Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, Sheela Krishnaswamy said, heart health should be a continued area of focus for individuals. To keep one’s heart-healthy, it’s important to keep the weight under check. Regular snacking on almonds helps in significantly lowering LDL cholesterol. Almonds are a great snacking option and also help in managing weight. Ritika Samaddar, the Regional Head-Dietetics, Max Healthcare Delhi, said, many clinical studies amongst Indian populations specifically suggest that almonds can be beneficial in helping to manage heart disease risk factors. Madhuri Ruia, Pilates Expert, and Diet & Nutrition Consultant, said, switching to healthy snacking habits like eating a handful of almonds every day can be simple steps towards maintaining a healthier heart.

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