Americans say: “Justice Served”, as Derek Chauvin is convicted for the murder of George Floyd.

Several Indian-American lawmakers and groups have welcomed the decision of a federal grand jury in Minneapolis holding Derek Chauvin, a former police officer, guilty on all three counts in the death of African American George Floyd.

“Justice was served today, but convicting Derek Chauvin won’t fix the system that continues to terrorise and kill Black lives. It won’t bring back George Floyd,” Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal said.

“Black lives matter – and we must keep fighting for them by passing the Justice in Policing Act and transforming policing,” Ms Jayapal said.

Congressman Ro Khanna said: “This verdict brought accountability. I hope it will be the first of many. But it doesn’t change the fact that George Floyd should still be alive today. We now must pass the Justice in Policing Act.”

“My heart remains with the Floyd family. His life mattered. Black lives matter,” said the lawmaker representing Silicon Valley in the US House of Representatives.

Indian-American Congressman Ami Bera tweeted: “Justice has been served.”

“Grateful for justice. My heart goes out to the Floyd family,” said Neera Tanden, president of Center for American Progress.

The South Asian Bar Association of North America applauded the jury verdict that found Chauvin guilty on all counts.

“While this verdict was a step in the right direction, it is only one step in a broader fight against the systemic racism within our country,” SABA said.

“Justice was served today, but justice must be served every day,” said Rippi Gill, president of SABA North America.

“We must not let our guard down, and we must continue to fight against the racism and violence plaguing our communities throughout the country,” he said.

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