Amway becomes first pre- and post-consumer plastic waste neutral company

Amway India, one of the largest FMCG direct selling companies in the country, has become ‘Pre- and Post-Consumer Plastic Waste Neutral’ after having managed 100% post-consumer plastic waste based on its Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) collection and recycled 100% pre-consumer plastic waste generated at the Amway manufacturing facility.

\ The company has collected and recycled 800 metric tons of post-consumer plastic waste, which is equivalent to managing over 50 million units of plastic product waste comprising bottles, tubes, caps, jars, and sachets of different sizes. Additionally, it has recycled and reused 100% hazardous products and plastic waste at its manufacturing plant to achieve pre-plastic waste neutrality. Driving its business through the lens of overall environmental and societal impact, the company has embedded some discernible steps to meet its sustainability ambitions, thereby reinforcing its vision of helping people live better, healthier As a responsible corporate, Amway India was one of the first brand owners in the country to have registered with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for Plastic Waste Management.

Further, at Amway India, a cross-functional team primarily from the manufacturing and planning & procurement departments have together made remarkable efforts to further minimize the impact of the business on the planet, aiming for long-term sustainable growth of the organization. The usage of renewable energy at the plant, soil and water conservation, and sustainable farming practices are some of the key sustainability initiatives

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