Piaggio India launched its TVC campaign, ‘Maxify Life’ for its Premium scooter, Aprilia SXR 160. The TVC campaign depicts the philosophy of Aprilia SXR 160, which is a true maximiser, empowering its riders and Maxifying their lives on every occasion. The series of creative renditions will be seen across print, billboard, digital and TV capturing the different moods of an Aprilia protagonist, as they ‘Maxify Life!’
The TVC is a glimpse into the everyday life of this new generation audience, showcasing, how the Aprilia SXR 160 has passionately fused into their lives. With the introduction of Aprilia SXR 160, Piaggio India has created and redefined the category in two-wheeler market with unique product that combines best of performance, comfort and style. The TVC campaign will reach the target audience reflecting the essence of the all new Aprilia SXR 160, establishing the premium quotient and enriching the philosophy of ‘Maxify Life!’