Assam records highest rate of crime against women

A 15.3% increase in crime against women has been recorded with a total of 4,28,278 cases registered during 2021, according to National Crime Records Bureau data.

Most of the cases of crimes against women under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) are registered under ‘cruelty by husband or his relatives (31.8%) followed by ‘assault on women with intent to outrage the modesty of women (20.8%), ‘abduction and kidnapping of women. ‘ (17.6%) and ‘rape’ (7.4 %).

According to the report, the recorded crime rate per lakh female population is 64.5 in 2021 compared to 56.5 in 2020.

For the 5th consecutive year, Assam recorded the highest rate of crime against women at 168.3, way higher than the national average of 64.5.

Among Union Territories, Delhi reported the highest rate of crime against women (147.6 percent).

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