Assam’s five-member to visit Mizoram for border talks

A five-member delegation headed by Assam Border Protection and Development Minister Atul Bora will be on a two-day visit to Mizoram from 9 August to discuss issues related to the inter-state boundary dispute.

A special officer and private secretary to Assam’s border security and development minister informed the Mizoram government on Wednesday that the Assam delegation would arrive in Aizawl next Tuesday for two-day talks on the border issue, officials said.

The decades-old border dispute between the two northeastern states originally stemmed from two colonial demarcations in 1875 and 1933.

Mizoram accepts the boundaries under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulations (BEFR) notified in 1875, covering the vast area now under Assam, as its de facto boundaries.

The Government of Assam, however, maintained that the boundaries made under the 1933 notification were its constitutional boundaries.

At least six Assam policemen and a civilian were killed and around 60 injured last year in clashes in a disputed area near the border of the two states.

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