Bihar’s medical aspirant commits suicide in hostel room in Kota

Another suicide case in Kota. An 18-year-old student committed suicide with a rope around her neck. Her parents went out to find a new home for her. She committed suicide at that time.

According to the police, that student’s name is Shembul Parveen.She is a resident of Champaran, Bihar. He was preparing for the medical exam from Kota. The student lived in a hostel of Kota. Recently, her parents came to see the girl. Last Tuesday, they left their daughter in the hostel and went out in search of a new home for her. At that time, the student put a rope around her neck.

According to the parents, their daughter has been worried about her studies for the past few days. She was disappointed to get low marks on the exam. Apart from that, she was also disappointed with the hostel food. Allegedly, poor-quality food was served in the hostel. When the parents of the students came to visit, the hostel authorities served only good food in front of them.

Police said the parents had left the daughter for a few hours on Tuesday. They looked back, the front door was closed. After looking through the window of the house, they saw the girl hanging from the ceiling.

Suicide of students in Kota is not new. Allegedly, not being able to keep pace with the pressure of studies, the students took extreme decisions. The reason why this city of Rajasthan has come up in the headlines.

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