Boat, Ferry Services To Remain Suspended Till June 30

In view of rising water level of the Brahmaputra, plying of all kinds of boats/ferry service in Kamrup Metropolitan District has been suspended till June 30 evening.
An order issued by additional district magistrate and CEO of district disaster management authority of Kamrup (Metro) on Wednesday stated that In partial modification to earlier order vide no, DDMA K(M) 25/2018 dated 21/06/2020 and the letter vide no. DWT-14/88/Pt-III/274 dated24/06/2020 received from the Director, IWT regarding extension of prohibitory order for plying of vessels in Brahmaputra at Kamrup Metropolitan District due to continuous rising of water level of Brahmaputra.
The suspension of plying of vehicles in the river Brahmaputra at Kamrup Metropolitan District is hereby extended till 30th June 2020 evening subject to the recession of the water level in order to avoid untoward incident, the order added.

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