With India topping the population chart in the world and increase in the incidence of congenital heart disease in INDIA (10 per 1000 children) it is literally a nightmare for the parents when they come to know that their child has a congenital heart disease. The congenital heart disease may be simple or complex. Some of them may be so complex that the baby may succumb even before being diagnosed. On the other hand, some congenital heart diseases may be diagnosed when a person becomes an adult. In the last few years there have been lot of advancement in the treatment of such diseases in the country.In a new development in The Guwahati City the Health City Hospitals at Khanapara, all total 250 congenital heart disease patients have been treated successfully by The Expert Paediatric Cariology team both Surgical as well as Interventional Paediatric Cardiology.

Out Of these 50 congenital Heart Disease patients have been treated by Dr Saurabhi Das and her team by key hole surgery (no scar on the chest). And 200 Children born with congenital heart defects were surgically treated by Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon Dr Nayem Raja and Anaesthesiologist Dr Hemjit Talukdar and the team under the guidance of Chief cardiac Surgeon Dr Bhaba nanda Das .The patients were from all districts of Assam and all age groups including adults. All of them were treated free of cost under the Assam Government CHD scheme. Recently Dr Saurabhi Das has done a very rare procedure which is done by only a few hospitals in India. The procedure saved a 9-month-old baby, who was becoming blue and unconscious due to inadequate blood flow to her lungs as a result of a defect in her heart. Dr Saurabhi opened up the blood flow by putting a stent in the path (RVOT STENTING) while the child was on ventilation. The child became pink and is with mother now.

There are many complex cases those were successfully operated and discharged and have been followed up in OPD with good results. A few of such complex and challenging cases are- Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) repair, Tetralogy of Fallot  repair, Aerto-pulmonary window repair,supramitral membrane resection and several ventricular septal defects with severe pulmonary hepertension.  Recently a 4 kg baby, severely malnourished having large abnormal connection between the two large arteries coming out of the heart known as AP Window has been operated successfully by Dr Nayem Raja and the team. The baby after discharge is thriving well now with good weight gain.

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