Budget 2024: NSE maestro’s perfect 10; a symphony of growth, welfareand fiscal savvy

Shri Ashishkumar Chauhan, the maestro at the helm of the National Stock Exchange (NSE), gives Budget 2024 a resounding 10/10, hailing it as a harmonious blend of growth, welfare, and fiscal acumen.

In an exclusive review, Chauhan lauds the government’s commitment to policy and taxation continuity, spotlighting the budget’s dual focus on robust infrastructure and social inclusivity.

The budget’s crescendo is the 5.8% revised fiscal deficit for FY23-24—a 10bps improvement—and a bold reduction to 5.1% for FY24-25, surpassing expectations. Chauhan celebrates the record capex outlay of Rs 11.11 lakh crore, composing 3.4% of GDP, the highest in 26 years. The score hits a high note with a 16.9% increase, reflecting a CAGR of 27% in the last five years.