BUZZ | Social Science Research Community (SSRC), India organized a National Webinar on the theme ‘COVID-19 and Assam: Challenges to the Economy and Social Security’.

GUWAHATI: Social Science Research Community (SSRC), India, a self sponsored platform constituted by the researchers and scholars of social scientists from all across the country organized a National Webinar on 16 June 2020 on the theme ‘COVID-19 and Assam: Challenges to the Economy and Social Security’. 
Addressing the Colloquium Prof. Binod Khadria, former faculty of Economics, Education and Migration, Jawaharlal Nehru University, after presenting a comprehensive analysis on migration from global to the local, suggested to make Assam a hub of higher education to retain students migrating out of the state for higher studies and to raise the labour productivity of youth generations along with imparting quality vocational training in local crafts unique to Assam. He said, “The world has been very racist so far. 

Let Covid 19 help us to come out it. It is also the high time to come out of the anxiety about the illegal migrants which is rooted in the psyche of sons of the soil.” 
Prof. Akhil Ranjan Dutta, Head, Department of Political Science, Gauhati University and Chairperson of SSRC argued that the failure of the global community in general and the Indian state and its federating units to mitigate the challenges emanated from COVID 19 primarily lies in the pursuit of limitless wealth by a microscopic minority and the widespread inequality and loss of livelihood sources by the millions. 

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