Byatikram MASDO celebrates women’s safety with a tribute to Bandana Baruah

In a tribute to the late social worker Bandana Baruah, Byatikram MASDO hosted a day-long event, “Ensuring Safety of Women: A Call to Action,” at NEDFi Hall. The event, attended by leaders from various fields, highlighted the pressing issue of women’s safety and empowerment. The program began with an emotional tribute from Smt. Krishna Baruah, Deputy Commissioner of Baksa, who honored her mother’s legacy. “My mother worked tirelessly for the safety and empowerment of women. I’m grateful to Byatikram for recognizing her contributions,” she said.

Byatikram MASDO advisor and singer Manisha Hazarika announced that starting next year, an annual award in Bandana Baruah’s name will be given to individuals making a difference in society. The event featured notable guests like entrepreneur Dr. Dinesh Sahara and producer Sam Bhattacharjee, who launched the “Sikar” t-shirt. Panel discussions included inspiring figures such as actress Nishita Goswami, journalist Snigdhashikha Borah, and health expert Indrani Laskar, each sharing insights on women’s issues.

Byatikram MASDO President Dr. Saumen Bharatiya highlighted the importance of fostering confidence and self-reliance among women to create safer environments. Supported by organizations like the Assam State AIDS Control Society, the event underscored the collective responsibility to ensure women’s safety.