Coca-Cola’s fourth quarter pops with a 7 per cent increase in revenues

Coca-Cola emerges triumphant with its 2023 fourth-quarter and full-year results, showcasing not only impressive financial gains but also significant strides in sustainability initiatives.

Global unit case volume witnessed a steady 2% growth both for the quarter and the full year, reflecting the enduring popularity of Coca-Cola’s iconic beverages worldwide. Net revenues surged by 7% in the fourth quarter, accompanied by a remarkable 12% growth in organic revenues (Non-GAAP), highlighting the company’s adaptability and resilience in navigating market challenges. India played a pivotal role in Coca-Cola’s success story, contributing to the growth of developing and emerging markets. With a 2% increase in unit case volume for the full year, India, alongside Brazil, propelled Coca-Cola’s expansion efforts in key regions.

The Asia Pacific region also experienced a 2% growth in unit case volume for the quarter, driven by the rising demand for juice, value-added dairy, plant-based beverages, and sparkling flavors, particularly in India and China.