Eastern Bible College observes 46th graduation ceremony: Nagaland

Theological graduates venturing into the mission filed must have a clear vision, show integrity, and pray to seek God’s direction and guidance, Rev Dr. N Tzudir of World Evangelization for Christ/ International Mission Mobilisation, urged the batch of the fresh graduates of Master of Divinity and Bachelor of Theology at the 46th graduation ceremony of Eastern Bible College held at its campus, here on Friday. 

In his message as guest speaker, Rev Dr. N Tzudir cautioned students against the three enemies they would face in the mission field such as the enemy within – temptation of the flesh, the enemy in the world – distractions and the enemy above – Satan. To defeat these enemies, he suggested three weapons students should wield – fear of God, obedience, and discipline. 

Earlier in the programme, welcome address was delivered by EBC principal Rev. Dr. T.N Lotha Jr, while valedictorian speech was delivered by Zachamo T Ovung who also bagged “the graduate of the year” award.

Ilika V Aye bagged the “academic excellence” award for M. Div students and Christina K Assumi for B.Th students. Cing Sian Nem and W Longkam Phom were awarded the “most improved students”, campus life award- Bibemo Lotha and Kevisi-u, most helpful student award- Kenilo Semy, and Christian ministry award- Amrita Tamang and P. Julie.

Other highlights of the programme were invocation by Rev. Dr. Nrio Ezung, scripture reading by Thuolu Demo and Chenibemo Ngullie, offertory prayer by EBC faulty Bahadur, song by male voice group, conferring of degrees, prayer for graduates, announcements by AG school principal David Ngullie and benediction by Rev Pikhato Kath. The programme was chaired by EBC faculty Neopi Kipgen.

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