Emami Mantra Masala, conducts National Survey on kitchen trends

Emami Mantra Masala, has commissioned an extensive consumer survey on kitchen trends with Crownit Market Research, across over 1000 households; males and females up to 35 years, NCCS A & B, and single and married families from various professions across India. 

The report states that, 74% of married Indian males participate in cooking at least 4-5 times a week. It also imdicates 66% of husbands entered the kitchen for the first time to cook,during or post covid. Family members cooking has led to better family bonding,as was indicated by93% of respondents.

The survey also tracked consumption changes, pre &post covid. It shows 88% households indicated an increase in consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, 53% households indicated an increase in consumption of frozen foods, 74% households indicated an increase in consumption of ready to cook, etc. Speaking on the findings,Debasis Bhattacharyya, President, Marketing, Emami Agrotech Ltd said, “The results from the survey are extremely insightful. It has revealed facts which shall be interesting for consumers and at the same time useful for Mantra Masala.

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