Europeans tell British tourists, ‘Stay away’

Europeans do not want British tourists to visit the Continent this summer, according to a new survey.  The research shows how a nation’s handling of the coronavirus crisis is feeding into fear over international travel.

Spaniards are most opposed to the arrival of UK holidaymakers, with nearly two thirds (61 per cent), keen on Britons to stay away this year, 15 percentage points more than any other European nationality. A majority of French, German and Italian residents also want British travellers to stay home, according to polling by YouGov.

In France, Spain, Germany and Italy, only residents from the US and China are less welcome, the research showed. 

The UK Government’s ‘travel corridors’, allowing for the return of overseas holidays, come into force tomorrow, but YouGov said that only 21 per cent of Britons are considering holidays to Spain or France this summer; fewer are planning trips to Germany (18 per cent), Italy (17 per cent) and the US (7 per cent). The British are also opposed to the arrivals of foreign holidaymakers, with 76 per cent keen to keep Americans from UK shores; 53 per cent do not want Chinese tourists this summer, only just ahead of Swedish arrivals (51 per cent) and Italian (48 per cent).

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