Experts have discovered a replacement species of Wren-Babbler bird within the mountains of A team of birdwatchers, comprising members from Bengaluru, Chennai, Thiruvananthapuram created this discovery at the Mugaphi peak in Arunachal Pradesh. The specialists team were trekking the height in Arunachal Pradesh in March in search of the rare Grey-bellied Wren Babbler. once the team reached the height of the mountain in Arunachal Pradesh, it noticed a bird that looked kind of like the Grey- bellied Wren Babbler, however didn’t sound like one.
The team has named the bird they found as Lisu Wren Babbler, once the Lisu community of Arunachal Pradesh. Their findings were recently printed by Indian BIRDS, a peer-reviewed journal of south Asian zoological science.
Experts have discovered a new species of Wren-Babbler bird in the mountains of Arunachal Pradesh