Federation of Indian Thalassemics, Hemophilia Federation, and NASCO collaborate to organized a significant webinar

On December 3, in observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), the Federation of Indian Thalassemics, Hemophilia Federation (India), and the National Alliance of Sickle Cell Organizations (NASCO) collaborated to host a significant webinar. Titled “Blood Disorders – The Invisible Disability,” the webinar aimed to bring attention to the often-overlooked challenges faced by individuals grappling with blood disorders.

The webinar aimed to raise awareness about blood disorders, focusing on the “invisible disability” of individuals with conditions like Thalassemia, Hemophilia, and Sickle Cell Disease. It highlighted the unique challenges faced by these individuals and the joint efforts of prominent advocacy groups to foster understanding, support, and inclusivity for those affected by these often overlooked health issues. Addressing the audience, Anuj Wadehra, Co-Founder, Thalassemia Patients Advocacy Group,stated, “The exclusion of thalassemia from the Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) mission is disheartening, and there is a compelling argument for its inclusion.”

Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, Secretary of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,  Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, discussed the challenges faced by blood disorder patients and shared initiatives like disability cards and education reservations. He assured patient groups of government’s efforts to implement benefits under the RPWD Act 2016.

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