Amazon India augmented its delivery network ahead of the festive season. The company has notably ramped up its delivery infrastructure and added thousands of delivery partners to the network to serve the rising customer demand. The company has added close to 200 delivery stations, including those operated by Delivery Service Partners across the country, including in many remote northeastern towns such as Champhai, Kolasib, Lumding and Mokokchung. The company has also strengthened its delivery programs as well with its flagship ‘I Have Space’ (IHS) program, now comprising of more than 28,000 neighbourhood and Kirana in close to 350 cities. Under the ‘I Have Space’ program, Amazon India partners with local store owners to deliver products to customers within a 2 to 4 kilometres radius of their store. The company has also nearly doubled the reach of the Amazon Flex program.
Marking an increased focus on contactless deliveries, Amazon India has also introduced ‘Society pickup points’ – a delivery format that caters to high-density residential societies in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad.