Fight Aindrila, fight! I didn’t have to tell my patient

Fighter! Fight! The adjective is perfect for Aindrila. I am the witness of how a person has brought himself back from the face of death again and again by the strength of his mind. Never had to say, ‘fight, Aindrila fight’! I treated him for about seven years. It was like my daughter. Aindrila’s father is very close to me. The girl’s will to fight has to be conveyed to Cornish.

A lot to learn from Aindrila. Even doctors. I have seen in long experience, many people want to hide when they have cancer. But he did not walk that way. Hair loss after chemotherapy. Never wore a wig. And that’s how it came out. has acted Rabindranath probably assimilated! That is, “whatever good or bad comes, take it easy”. He has fought with that truth every time. has won lost again turned around He has fought with himself in this way in the field of life.

I remember that Aindrila went to MC in Delhi in 2015. To get another comprehensive opinion on the treatment of ‘soft tissue sarcoma’. From there straight to me. This is where his treatment begins. Radiotherapy after chemotherapy. A few also took to their home in Chemo and Baharampur.

Aindrila was not yet an actress. wanted to be read in school Great persistence. At this time, he was treated in a district hospital of this state. After that he fully recovered. He sinks back into his work. started acting. Success came one after another. But as soon as normal life progressed, the cancer returned.

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