Five tips to keep diabetes in check

Christmas brings with it endless celebrations and indulgence in savory foods and desserts along with fried karanjis and skulks on display. As fun as this holiday season may be, this high-calorie affair is no friend to the sugar-conscious. As the ‘Diabetes capital’ of the world, many people in India find themselves navigating this maze – trying to avoid syrup-laden or deep-fried treats for healthier alternatives and mindful snacking.

Here are 5 tips to keep your glucose levels in check  1st Eat healthy: Before you get to any event, have a plan in place for what you will eat. 2nd Watch out for highs or lows: With the changes to your lifestyle and diet during the holiday season, there is a great need to keep monitoring your blood sugar levels regularly. 3rd  Manage your sleep cycle. 4th Keep moving: Staying active by exercising regularly is a great way to manage your diabetes.

And 5the is Stay hydrated: In general, staying hydrated is key to good health. Dr Rupam Choudhury, Consultant Diabetologist, Apollo Diabetes Clinic Guwahati, Assam, says, “Today, there are continuous glucose monitoring devices that people can access thereby helping them with constantly updated glucose level trends, empowering people with diabetes to make informed decisions and remain in the appropriate time-in-range (TIR).”

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