Foreign Secretory Shringla: increased connectivity is a major part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Neighborhood First and Act East policy

On the visit of Sikkim, the Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla announced the launch of the Kanchenjunga Dialogue Track-2 to communicate with neighboring countries such as Nepal and Bhutan, which will help Sikkim to develop as a center of education and knowledge in the Northeast. During his visit, Foreign Secretary Shringla also met Governor Ganga Prasad Chaurasia and Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang.

Harsh Vardhan Shringla addressing the students of the Sikkim University said that better connectivity and development of infrastructure with neighboring countries will contribute to the economic development of the Northeast. It will create investment, trade and employment opportunities. At present, increased connectivity is a major part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Neighborhood First and Act East policy.

On Saturday Harsh Vardhan Shringla spoke on the topic “Region of North East at the core of India’s foreign policy”, a program organized by the Ministry of External Affairs and the International Relations Department of Sikkim University. During this, he spoke to the students and underlined that the North-East region is the gateway to South-East Asia. It connects India to the world’s most economically dynamic and politically important geographical-ASEAN and Indo-Pacific region.

He described how India and Japan are working together to improve infrastructure and connectivity with neighboring countries under the Indo-Japan Act East Forum, which will directly contribute to the economic development of the Northeast. Through the projects based on connectivity, water, sanitation, forest management and skill development, there will be overall development of this area, which will attract investors as well as provide business and employment opportunities.

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