Functional tap water supply in Meghalaya Households

Renoobala Marak, a resident of the South Garo Hills, Meghalaya, had to walk several km uphill to fetch water. Quite naturally women and children were busy in fetching water rather than spending time and effort in livelihood activities or education. MDA led Meghalaya Government focused on relieving people from this drudgery. From the later phase of 2019, Meghalaya Government implemented Jal Jeevan Mission which has been successful in reducing the water problem in the state.

When Government of Meghalaya began the implementation, they had an uphill task, before 2019, only 4,554 households had functional tap water connection, this implies that only 0.77% of the total households had functional household tap connections. Within merely two years six months 2.4 lakhs households were provided water connection. Meghalaya’s growth has been exemplary, being the 2nd most improved State nationally. Meghalaya, now, has 1,461 villages with 100% homes with functional tap water supply. Such exemplary commitment has resulted in increased participation of people in rural employment through MNREGS and has empowered the women of Meghalaya by providing livelihood opportunities through SHGs. School dropout rate has declined from 28% to 19.5% within a year. The State Government has aimed to provide functional tap water connection to 3.5 lakh more households.

31 water quality testing laboratories have been set up in Meghalaya. 7,703 schools and 2,831 (62%) anganwadi centres in Meghalaya have been provided with tap water supply. Government of India has recognized Aminda Simsanggre and Chambagre of West Garo Hills for the 2nd and 3rd positions in terms of ‘Best Village Panchayat’ in the 3rd National Water Awards in 2020.

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