‘Gas leak’ in Durgapur Steel Plant; 3 contract workers die

At least three people have died and several other workers have fallen ill after a gas leak at Durgapur Steel Plant in West Bengal. Unwell workers have been taken to a local hospital where their conditions was stated to be stable.

According to news agency ANI, the three labourers who died were stuck inside a vacuum oxygen unit at steel plant. They were rescued and rushed to hospital but they could not be saved. Relief and rescue work are continuing at the plant.

“A High-level enquiry committee has also been immediately constituted to investigate the incident and ascertain the root cause so that such incidents can be avoided in future,” the statement said.

DSP’s Hind Mazdoor Sangh union president Tapas Ray demanded adequate compensation for the family of the deceased. DSP is a plant of the Steel Authority of India Limited, a central public sector enterprise.

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