Glenmark helps patients suffering from fungal infections

An innovation-led global pharmaceutical company Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd has developed an digital patient education tool – “Hello Skin” in collaboration with the IADVL (Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists) to help patients suffering from Dermatophytosis (Ring Worm or Tinea) in India. It is the first Whatsapp based chatbot which helps patients in not only with daily pill reminders but also in creating disease awareness and provides skincare tips to patients suffering from Ring Worm.

It will be available in 6 different regional languages including Hindi and English, enabling better patient compliance to the technology. The recent prevalence of Dermatophytosis in India has reached up to 78.4%. It has become one of the most difficult infections to treat in recent times with patients reporting feelings of depression and isolation. The chatbot will support patient adherence throughout the recommended duration of the therapy. Fungal infection is a highly contagious infection of the skin or scalp and characterized by ring-like rashes anywhere on the body or the face. It spreads through direct contact with infected skin or fungal spores. The spores can live on fabrics including clothing, couch cushions, bedding and other porous surfaces. They also thrive in damp environments such as public showers and locker rooms.

The Group Vice President and Head of India Formulations at Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd Alok Malik said, “IADVL’s collaboration with Glenmark for developing this innovative solution, further adds to its credibility amongst dermatologists and patients.”

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