Happy International Nurses Day 2021

With the increase in the cases of Covid19, hospitals are loaded with patients who need tremendous care and help. At this time, the role of the healthcare workers including doctors, health experts and nurses has increased  way too much. Nurses are the first to come and the last to leave. They are working beyond what their duty is. They have been there with the patients, not just to heal their wounds but also to fill in positivity in them during this hard times. As per World Health Organization (WHO), 9 million more nurses and midwives are to be required by 2030 so that all countries can attain Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number three on health and well-being. So on this day,let us all greet these ‘superhumans’ and thank them for their service and hospitality.

Nursing is not an easy job and those who dedicate their whole lives in this profession must be respected and celebrated! Happy International Nurses Day

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