Heart-Warming Documentary on Kolkata Street Dogs

Bhalo theko is a short film starring Indian pariah dogs. It is directed by Saswati Bandyopadhyay and produced by Mise En Scene. It is created with original score by Prajna Dutta.
“Being a documentary short film maker, I always feel that film is a better media to reach a larger section at a time. It’s an appeal to our race to be empathetic to every lives of this planet. To aware Indian dog haters who are not compassionate of their own breeds, which r. no longer acceptable”, says Saswati Bandyopadhyay, the director.
Mr. Jesse Alk, being an ardent pariah dog lover from other part of the globe, reached this country, made an award winning film on our own Indian dogs.
“We want justice for our voiceless children, who are victims of unbearable tortures, amendments of the existing acts to protect them which are to be non-bailable. And come forward to support the genuine care givers to our colony care takers. ” she added.

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