Immunity building with 3 foods

Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle have always been important, but more so now, because a nutrient-rich diet can help in supporting a strong immune system. As per Madhuri Ruia, Nutrition Specialist and Pilates Expert, here are 3 foods that people should add to their diet right away, to strengthen immunity:

(1) Nutrient rich Almonds: A good food that can easily be incorporated in a person’s diet is almonds. They are nutrient rich, are known for their satiating properties and make for a healthy and tasty snack. They contain several nutrients that are known to aid positively in strengthening immunity.  (2) Probiotic charged Yoghurt: Yogurt is rich in probiotics which are microorganisms that are known to be good to strengthen the immune system. Eating yogurt every day can increase the level of good bacteria in a person’s gut and can improve the first line of defence against pathogens. Adding of Yoghurt to all meals can keep one’s immunity strengthened especially now. (3) Vitamin C packed Raw Mango: Raw mangoes are rich in Vitamin A which is known to enhance immunity, as well as Vitamin C which helps boost the function of phagocytes which are cells in the body that destroy harmful bacteria. One should get some raw mangoes into daily diet to strengthen immunity.

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