India sends 40 Tonnes of relief material to Myanmar after Cyclone

India launched ‘Operation Karuna’ on May 18 to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar who have been impacted by Cyclone Mocha, a category 5 cyclone. More than 100 people have been confirmed dead after the region was hit by the strongest cyclone Myanmar has seen in 10 years.

Three Indian naval ships, INS Shivalik, INS Kamorta and INS Savitri, have reached Yangon with over 40 tonnes of relief material,Under Operation Karuna. EAM Jaishankar tweeted, “The ships are carrying emergency food items, tents, essential medicines, water pumps, portable generators, clothes, sanitary and hygiene items, etc. India continues to be the first responder in the region.”

The Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) material that reached Yangon on Thursday was handed over to Yangon Region Chief Minister, by Indian Ambassador to Myanmar, Vinay Kumar.  India’s efforts in Myanmar are a testament to New Delhi’s commitment towards its neighbours and the region, as India again shows how it will always be the first responder to any disasters that plague its partners in the region.

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