Indian Missions of Ten Nations to build synergies towards fostering global skill mobility

To facilitate overseas mobility of the skilled workforce, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI), Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) jointly organized the first Virtual Global Skill Summit (VGSS)with the Indian Ambassadors /High Commission representing India Missions from ten nations. The summit aimed at institutionalizing a robust mechanism for exchange of information on skill requirements of countries and the skill availability in India.

Aligning with the vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Government envisions positioning the country as a preferred global hub for trusted skilled and certified workforce, and making India the skill capital of the world. This shall be achieved by creating world-class training infrastructure in the destination countries, propelling international mobility, and strengthening ties with foreign countries in specific areas to boost job opportunities for the youth.

Shri Goyal also emphasised that serious negotiations need to be undertaken for dual degree and joint degree programs. This will facilitate opening of new opportunities for the Indian youth to work abroad. He said we must encourage on-the-job training and quality of skills should be maintained. This is an appropriate time for organising this Summit and skill development can be the foundation for an Aatmanibhar Bharat.

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