Indian women prefer almonds to achieve better skin health

According to a recent survey conducted between 7th to 22nd December by a research consulting firm YouGov, 72% of women in India find healthy dietary changes as an important step for beautiful looking skin. The quantitative survey aimed to assess the correlation between beauty and snacking, and understand women’s snacking patterns for beauty benefits.
It was conducted amongst a sample size of 3,959 women. 80% of women in India are of the opinion that beauty shines through by being healthy rather than using topical skincare products. The majority of the females prefer to snack on healthy and nutritious food items such as almonds and fruits as they recognize the beauty benefits of fruits and almonds in particular.

59% of women consume almonds on a daily basis, mostly soaked or raw. Females of the age group 30-39 and Millennials rate almonds highly on aspects such as wrinkle reduction, skin glow and skin protection. Those who have been consuming almonds for over 6 months report positive impacts such as skin glow and younger looking skin more than those who started consuming almonds lately.
The Integrative Nutritionist and Health Coach Neha Ranglani said, “This new survey reveals that participants associate almonds with wrinkle reduction, skin glow, and protection from UV light. It is a fantastic way to load up on Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, which helps protect your skin against damage caused by free radicals thought to participate in the aging process.”

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