Initiatives for flood water in both urban and rural areas, Assam Budget 2024

One of the major issues of the state which Assam people mostly face during the monsoon seasons is artificial flood in both rural and urban areas.

To mitigate the problem, the Assam government has tabled Rs. 200 crore in the 2024-25 budget planning in the wetlands and the flood waters of the Brahmaputra River, Assam.

Assam Finance Minister Ajanta Neog said, “In the initial phase, a few large wetlands are identified for rejuvenation and restoration creating additional storage capacity of 220 lakh cubic meter for water storage. NESAC has further carried out a hydrological analysis of the flood-causing rivers and it is observed that the flood peak of some rivers may reduce from 20 percent to 80 percent after floodwater diversion. This initiative is expected to significantly boost tourism, revive the depleting ground water aquifers and also revive an already fragile aquatic ecosystem, supporting the livelihoods of local communities dependent upon these ecosystem services, in a sustainable manner.”