JICA aims to enhance the bamboo value chain in Northeast India

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)in collaboration with National Bamboo Mission (NBM) and Northeast Cane and Bamboo Development Council (NECBDC)on October 6th, 2023, held the first Joint Coordinating Committee(JCC) in Guwahati for the effective implementation of the Technical Cooperation Project for Bamboo Use Promotion in Northeast region.

 The JCC, chaired by NBM, involved various organizations including MoDONER, NECBDC, Northeast Centre for Technology Application and Reach (NECTAR), the Japanese Embassy, JICA, and the National Institute of Design Assam to familiarize themselves with JICA experts’ activities and set goals for the project’s completion by the end of 2025. The bamboo industry is gaining global attention, offering North-eastern India a chance to become a hub of innovation. JICA has sent a team from Japan to India, collaborating with NECDBC since January 2023.

The collaboration aims to exchange knowledge, develop skills, and match businesses in the bamboo sector. The academic institutions are also collaborating on bamboo design research. Mr. SAITO Mitsunori, Chief Representative of JICA India, expressed his appreciation on this occasion, stating, “We are dedicated to executing this project with a strong commitment to fostering India’s social and economic development, promoting sustainability, and nurturing self-reliance in the region

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