Joyful healthy life comes from a healthy diet

The risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer can be considerably decreased by leading a healthy lifestyle. With the help of University of Illinois Extension, take control of your health and learn how to live a longer, healthier life! Come to our winter healthy living webinar series, “Finding Balance,” where we’ll be discussing lifestyle strategies and advice to help you attain balance and wellness. Don’t miss the next webinars, which will offer helpful guidance to help you discover a healthier version of yourself and support your wellness journey.

The body’s natural reaction to stressors is inflammation. Improving your general health starts with knowing what causes inflammation and how to better control it. The inflammatory response is influenced by numerous lifestyle decisions. Inflammation can be better managed and its risk reduced by making minor adjustments to our daily routines. We’ll look at the various forms of immunity, how the immune system functions, and how lifestyle decisions affect immune health. Furthermore, no one food can totally prevent disease. Increase your immunity by eating a balanced diet full of nutrients, getting enough sleep, exercising, and effectively handling stress.

By Banasree Sarkar