Kaizen AgriTechs Partners with RPJ Tea Pvt Limited

In a groundbreaking move to transform agriculture in the Northeastern region of India, Kaizen Agri Tech, RPJ Tea Pvt Ltd, and Winsome Tea Plantation Pvt Ltd are joining forces to launch a revolutionary Maize Cultivation Project in Assam. This project aims to generate significant revenue and employment opportunities in the region, while also promoting optimal land utilization. The event was graced by the presence of Mukesh Jalan – Director Kaizen Agri tech, Nishta Jalan – Founder and Partner Kaizen Agri Tech, Debajit Bairagi – Project Director Kaizen Agri Tech, Vishnu Upadhayay – Founder Jaipur Chakki and Director Winsome Tea Plantation Pvt Ltd, Sanjeev Eastman, Senior Manager ,RPJ Tea, Chetan Joshi – Managing Director – RPJ Tea and Amarjit Lakhar, Partner, Kaizen Agritech

The initiative focuses on maximizing maize cultivation on open land within existing tea estates. This approach holds immense potential to address the rising demand for maize, particularly in the production of ethanol – a renewable fuel source that can reduce dependence on fossil fuels. With the ambition to become one of Assam’s largest single-plot maize farming projects, the initiative signifies a pivotal shift towards advancements in agricultural practices and job creation in the region. This collaboration between the three organizations exemplifies the power of cooperation, innovation, and a shared vision for a brighter future of agriculture in Assam.

This joint venture exemplifies the power of collaboration, innovation, and a shared vision for a brighter future of agriculture in Assam. By combining expertise, resources, and a commitment to sustainable practices, the three organizations aim to revolutionize the agricultural landscape of the state. During the press conference, Kaizen Agri Tech, RPJ Tea Pvt Ltd, and Winsome Tea Plantation Pvt Ltd elaborated this groundbreaking project and delved into the following key aspects: The potential and benefits of utilizing tea estates for sustainable maize cultivation. The economic impact on tea growers, the agricultural sector, and overall job creation in Assam. The implementation of advanced agricultural technologies to optimize maize production. The collaborative efforts of the three organizations to revolutionize Assam’s agricultural landscape.