Laghu Udyog Bharati NE women panel’s Diwali Mela

The women’s committee of Laghu Udyog Bharati (North-East) organized a two-day Diwali Mela at Brindavan Gardens, in the implementation of vocal four locale. Assam’s Commerce and Industry Minister Bimal Bora cut the ribbon and lit the lamp. Neha Khan- delwal, President, Laghu Udyog Bharati (North East) Women’s Association delivered the welcome address.

On the occasion, The Pro- vincial President of Udyog Bharati Ravi Sure- ka, out- going President Manoj Lundia, Guru Ma of Chinmaya Mission, Ananya Chaitanya Were present on the occa- sion. On the occasion, Hem Prabha Chutia, a recipient of the Assam Gaurav Padma Shri awardee, was felicitated for writing Shrimant Sankardev Birchit Gunamala, Madhav Dev Birsit Namghosha, Madbhagavata Gita in Muga and Endi Cloth.

Former president Manoj Lundya explained in detail the history of Laghu Bharati from the birth rider to the present day. Arup Pujari, convener of the Rural Artists’ Cell and head of the lamp distribution programme, spoke about the distribution of lamps. Art items from the village were available in 62 stalls in this fair. The chief guest also distributed lamp gifts to a sec- tion of the people. The women’s committee’s secretary Ranjan Bhajanka thanked him.

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