Levi’s launches new campaign –‘Buy Better, Wear Longer’

Levi’s stepped in with a new spring campaign: ‘Buy Better, Wear Longer’. It is to raise awareness about shared responsibility on the environmental impacts of apparel production and consumption.

The Buy Better, Wear Longer campaign will be carried out on all Levi’s platforms – digital, social, and broadcast, and as a reminder that a sustainable future is one where companies and consumers around the world come together to rethink fashion. ‘Buy Better, Wear Longer’ encapsulates Levi’s ongoing efforts to drive more sustainable production practices:  by driving ambitious climate and water action and by investing in materials and technologies such as Cottonized Hemp and Organic Cotton, and scaling Water<Less manufacturing, Levi’s is working to reduce natural resource footprint and help deliver a more planet-friendly apparel industry.

Featuring an inspiring group of changemakers – Jaden Smith, Xiye Bastida, Melati Wijsen, Xiuhtezcat, Emma Chamberlain and Marcus Rashford MBE – this multi-platform global ad campaign fuses Levi’s longstanding commitment to making quality clothing that can last for generations with the passion of six icons and activists working on issues critical to the future of our planet.

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