LG Electronics, India’s leading consumer durable brand, has inaugurated its first Direct Service Center in Howrah, Kolkata, aiming to reduce turnaround times and provide comprehensive service for all LG products. This facility is the first of its kind by any company in the rapidly growing Howrah district and marks the third LG Care (LGC) center in West Bengal.
The Direct Service Center is staffed by 30 highly skilled engineers trained at LG’s Kolkata-based Technical Training Academy. The new center will also introduce an “Evening Care” process, allowing customers to access services after regular hours. Additionally, genuine LG spares and accessories are available on-site for added convenience.
From the Kolkata market perspective, this expansion highlights the growing trend of consumer electronics brands investing in regional hubs. As Guwahati’s electronics market grows, the demand for faster and more efficient services mirrors Kolkata’s advancements, further underlining the Northeast’s potential in the electronics industry.Mr. Changhwan Kim, Vice President of Customer Service, LG Electronics India, emphasized the company’s commitment to customer satisfaction, saying, “By investing in local talent and infrastructure, we aim to provide unparalleled service experiences.”