Mahindra unveiled the top-end Pack Three variants of its Electric Origin SUVs, BE 6 and XEV 9e, at the Unlimit India Tech Day. The BE 6 is priced at ₹26.9 lakh, while the XEV 9e costs ₹30.5 lakh, with EMIs starting at ₹39,224 and ₹45,450, respectively, under the “Three for Me” finance program. This initiative ensures accessibility by offering the same EMIs as Pack One with a balloon payment after six years.
The Pack Three variants feature a 79 kWh battery, delivering over 500 km of real-world range and rapid charging capability. Test drives will begin on January 14, 2025, with bookings opening on February 14. Deliveries are slated for early March. Built on the INGLO electric architecture, these SUVs come with MAIA, Mahindra’s AI system, offering industry-leading connectivity, performance, and safety features, including Level 2+ ADAS and augmented reality heads-up display.
In Howrah, a hub of rising urban demand for premium EVs, Mahindra’s BE 6 and XEV 9e are expected to gain traction. Dealers anticipate robust interest due to the advanced features and affordable EMI options, aligning with the city’s shift towards sustainable and tech-driven mobility solutions.