Tripura Chief Minister Prof. Dr. Manik Saha launched a sharp attack on CPI(M) leader Prakash Karat, suggesting that he undergo cataract surgery to witness the real development taking place in the state. Reacting to CPI(M)’s rally held earlier in the week, CM Saha accused the opposition party of deliberately ignoring the state’s progress. “He has cataracts in his eyes. He should undergo cataract surgery. How will they see progress?” Saha mocked Karat’s criticism, suggesting that the leader’s inability to see the development in Tripura was due to his flawed perspective. Saha emphasized the transformation of Tripura’s infrastructure, noting that CPI(M) leaders, who once landed at the outdated Singerbil Airport, now arrive at the upgraded Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur Airport, a facility named by the BJP government to honor the state’s heritage.
Further attacking the CPI(M), Saha questioned whether Karat had failed to notice the improved roads and infrastructure while hoisting his party’s flag. “They do not see development, which is why they always mislead people,” Saha added, accusing the CPI(M) of misleading the public about the state’s progress. The Chief Minister also took a jibe at the opposition’s narrative on the national economy, stating that India’s economy has significantly progressed from the 11th to 5th place globally. “In reality, they have regressed by 50 years. That’s why they feel left behind,” he remarked.
Saha further accused CPI(M) and Congress of undermining the Constitution in the past and praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for safeguarding it. He also pointed out CPI(M)’s declining electoral relevance, claiming, “Now they are getting fewer votes than NOTA. People are rejecting them everywhere.”