Mizoram churches launch campaign against corruption

Mizoram’s two largest churches, the Presbyterian Church of India and the Mizoram Baptist Church, have announced a significant campaign aimed at combating corruption in the state. This initiative marks a concerted effort by the churches to address and reduce corruption through increased awareness and community engagement.

In a recent meeting, representatives from both churches decided to amplify their anti-corruption message by revising and expanding previously printed booklets on the subject. The campaign will include a series of preachings highlighting the detrimental effects of corruption, making this issue a more prominent topic in sermons and church activities.

The Mizoram Synod has further supported this initiative by issuing directives to all churches and their leaders. The notifications emphasize the importance of ensuring that tithes and donations are not sourced from corrupt activities. Additionally, the Synod has mandated that individuals convicted of corruption be barred from holding any positions within the churches.

By editor