Mizoram to ban firecrackers during Christmas New Year to check pollution

To reduce pollution, the state administration decided to outlaw sky lanterns and firecrackers during Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, according to Mizoram Home Minister K Sapdanga. At a gathering held at the office of the ruling Zoram People’s Movement party, Sapdanga declared that those involved in the transportation and detonation of fireworks will face harsh punishment from the government.

In order to maintain control, Sapdanga added, the state government will notify all police units. In addition, cities and villages will be patrolled at night to guarantee quiet Christmas and New Year’s festivities.

In order to prevent pollution and to commemorate the sanctity of Christmas and New Year’s, Mizoram has previously prohibited the use of firecrackers, sky lanterns, and other pyrotechnic items, such as toy guns, during the holiday season.

By editor